I'm having the best day so far! Dan and I are both off today so we are having family day!
Owen had PT this morning which went well. Then, we took Owen to the Barnes & Noble where he walked out with a brand new Thomas the Train magnet book! To be totally honest with you, I loathe Thomas.
Am I the only one who finds all the Thomas story lines complete snoozers? Sheesh! What is the fun in reading about a train on his daily schedule? I think the most exciting thing that has happened to Thomas was when a log on the track screwed him for about 2 seconds, then he was back to his same old boring schedule. Also, one of the trains - I can't remember which one - is a total dick! I don't need that kind of negativity around my son. One more thing...Sir Topham Hatt? Could you have come up with a more difficult name to pronounce especially for a 2 year old? Might as well have named him Eioapnakbn Poaypruawedjralsdj (I apologize if this is your name and I have offended you). Whew! As usual...I digress....
Lunch was at Halo Burger and Owen had a blast in the play area and was extrordinarily cute. He was making friends with all the other kids.
When we got home, we laid in bed and he cuddled with us which he NEVER does. He was also very kissy. He never gives kisses without being asked but today, he wouldn't stop planting them on me! I loved it! My little cuddly Owen!
So that's our day so far. Owen's outside with Dan who will be grilling us steak for dinner. AND! To top it all off - Lost is on tonight!!!
Oh, my god... I just wrote the most boring post ever. Really?! Was it totally necessary for me to log on my computer and tell you about the totally mundane day I am having? Yikes! Well I hope I at least stirred some emotion with my Thomas rant. Ok, I'll try to do better next time!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Mr. D

Here are a few articles on the extrodinary life of Bill Davidson
Pistons.com - Farewell Mr. D
Detroit Free Press - Free Press Staff Remembers Mr. D
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Counseling the Counselers
I'm starting to get a little annoyed with blogger.com. Does anyone else find it tedious to use? Maybe I'm just saying that because Facebook is so easy. Anyways, that's not the point....
I have about 4 post that I want to write. Hmm..where to start....
I'll start with this week and work my way back. It'll be like a crazy time- traveling blog. Where's Michael J. Fox when you need him? Hello? McFly?
This week I had the opportunity to participate in something exciting. Sarah L, Kaela's mom (and one of my favorite people) and I were asked to speak to a small group of grad students in genetic counseling at U of M Ann Arbor. We were there to offer our persepective as parents of little people (POLP). We were also joined by Stacie, LPA member and little person who relayed her experience as a LP and a POLP. LOL! That's a lot of acronyms I should remove ASAP! J/K! Whoa! Outta control!
This was a very theraputic experience for me. If you are familiar with our story, you know that Owen was given no chance to live after his birth. No alternative scenarios were offered, no hope was given, we were told point blank that Owen would die.
As time passes and Owen progresses into a healthy happy boy, the anger as to how we were handled builds. The more I think about the fact that I was offered no hope that Owen would live, the more I want gather my doctors in a room and really let them have it!
So when I was give the chance to speak to people who may potentially have the same impact on other couples - I jumped at the chance. Despite what you are probably thinking, no - I did not unleash my pent up anger on a poor group of genetic counseling grad students!
Sarah and I were able to tell our stories and offer our opinions on what to do and not to do. We both felt that it was important to be sympathetic & honest. We also wanted them to keep in mind that though patients will pass in and out of their office, this is our life. Don't numb yourself to our plight because you have seen it all. To me it's very important that they always allow for the possibility that anything can happen.
These students were very bright and eager to learn. I'm sure they will be the type of counselers that will make a positive impact. I very much appreciated being able to relay my story. It was touching that they were interested in having our perspective. It made me think (which I hate to do but I went with it)...do med school students ever get patient perspective before they are unleashed into the wild? If the answer is no then - why not? All doctors should be required to attend a class where patients are able to give their sides of the story. I've been lucky enough to generally have great doctors, but I know that there are plenty of horror stories out there. Hmmm...just a thought.
Ok - well I'll leave you with some Owen pictures for your viewing pleasure!
What's up? You wanna go?
George always has my back
George and Owen in a staring contest. Guess who wins?
I'm just messing around!
I love kitty!
Like son, like father
I have about 4 post that I want to write. Hmm..where to start....
I'll start with this week and work my way back. It'll be like a crazy time- traveling blog. Where's Michael J. Fox when you need him? Hello? McFly?
This week I had the opportunity to participate in something exciting. Sarah L, Kaela's mom (and one of my favorite people) and I were asked to speak to a small group of grad students in genetic counseling at U of M Ann Arbor. We were there to offer our persepective as parents of little people (POLP). We were also joined by Stacie, LPA member and little person who relayed her experience as a LP and a POLP. LOL! That's a lot of acronyms I should remove ASAP! J/K! Whoa! Outta control!
This was a very theraputic experience for me. If you are familiar with our story, you know that Owen was given no chance to live after his birth. No alternative scenarios were offered, no hope was given, we were told point blank that Owen would die.
As time passes and Owen progresses into a healthy happy boy, the anger as to how we were handled builds. The more I think about the fact that I was offered no hope that Owen would live, the more I want gather my doctors in a room and really let them have it!
So when I was give the chance to speak to people who may potentially have the same impact on other couples - I jumped at the chance. Despite what you are probably thinking, no - I did not unleash my pent up anger on a poor group of genetic counseling grad students!
Sarah and I were able to tell our stories and offer our opinions on what to do and not to do. We both felt that it was important to be sympathetic & honest. We also wanted them to keep in mind that though patients will pass in and out of their office, this is our life. Don't numb yourself to our plight because you have seen it all. To me it's very important that they always allow for the possibility that anything can happen.
These students were very bright and eager to learn. I'm sure they will be the type of counselers that will make a positive impact. I very much appreciated being able to relay my story. It was touching that they were interested in having our perspective. It made me think (which I hate to do but I went with it)...do med school students ever get patient perspective before they are unleashed into the wild? If the answer is no then - why not? All doctors should be required to attend a class where patients are able to give their sides of the story. I've been lucky enough to generally have great doctors, but I know that there are plenty of horror stories out there. Hmmm...just a thought.
Ok - well I'll leave you with some Owen pictures for your viewing pleasure!
What's up? You wanna go?
George always has my back
George and Owen in a staring contest. Guess who wins?
I'm just messing around!
I love kitty!
Like son, like father
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