I knew when I married him that Dan would be a good father. He's patient, relaxed, fair and loving. Since Owen's birth however, his transition into fatherhood has completely astounded me. There is something about the way he looks at Owen that I can't quite put my finger on. It is a mix of pure love and amusement - like Owen is the most fascinating creature who has ever lived. Dan is very dutiful. He will always do what needs to be done. I knew he would approach being a father the same way, but it's different than how I thought. He doesn't do what needs to be done because he has to but because he wants to. In the rare instances when Owen does get up in the middle of the night, Dan will get up with him simply so he can see his son. He washes bottles. He clips fingernails. He gives baths. By a string of bad luck on his part, Dan has pretty much exclusively become the poopy diaper changer.
Without a doubt, I know that Owen is the best thing that has ever happened to my husband. Seeing the man you love, fall in love with this precious thing that you have created is beyond words. Through everything that we have been through, Dan has been a pillar of stregnth. I don't really think he realizes it either. Lesser men may have let a diagnosis like Owen's effect their feelings for their children. If anything it has made Dan realize how much he loves him.
To all the other ladies, I apologize. I'm sure all your husbands are wonderful too, but I really think that I snagged the best one out there.
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