Sunday, December 16, 2007

Update on developement.

As of last week Owen was 26.5 inches, 17 lbs with a head circumference of 20 inches. On the normal charts he is below the 5th for height and weight and in the 95th for head size. On the achonchondroplasia charts Owen is in about the 50th to 75 percentiles for height, weight and head size.
Our physical therepists told us that Owen has hit all the goals he was supposed to reach by 1 year. He is 2 months ahead of schedule!! He is sitting up, standing supported, army crawling, and doing other amazing miscellaneaous baby tricks.
We are so proud of him and as usual he continues to surpass everyone's expectations!
As for other developements, Owen now has 6 teeth! He's actually been a pretty good teether with no major tantrums. He's really taking it like a man.
Owen loves food! He's off the strained food for the most part and eating stews and pastas, biter biscuits, nutrigrain bars, french fries & other assorted finger foods. He has yet to meet a food he doesn't like.
He's heavy into the imitating and can do things with his face that would give Jim Carrey a run for his money. He is so expressive. You can just see his mind working through his face (especially when he has gas).
He's been very verbal lately but still doesn't have any clear and true words.
As for appointments, he has a yearly check up at U of M but that's about it. Once he starts walking we will need to start seeing an orthepedist but other than that, the only thing we need to deal with at U of M are the bills.


Tonya said...

Way to grow Owen!!!! Your lookin wonderful! Wish we could stay away from U of M.....

Keep eating that good food man!!

The Johnson Family 5 said...

Ya Owen!! How exciting!! That is wonderful that he is hitting all of his milestones! I hope we are as lucky with Cole!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Owen is doing great! He is so cute, I just want to squeeze those cute chubby cheeks. Bryan has an appt. at the skeletal dysplasia clinic in Houston on Jan. 11th and I'm anxious to see what the drs. have to say. He is not sitting up yet, and still struggles with head control, but he has learned to roll over and has a tooth now! His kyphosis is getting a little worse, but hopefully it will not be a major concern.

I just found out the '09 National Conference will be in New York. So far from us, still! But we are definitely planning to make that one.

Hope you all have a great holiday, and Santa is good to you all. Loved, the pics of Owen trying to turn himself upside down to see Santa and the Mrs.

YaYa to Bryan

Anonymous said...

Cat, I am constantly amazed by your family. You are all so blessed to have each other. I'm thrilled with your blog. I think of you all often and can't wait to get through the holidays so I can get my has on Owen and smother him with love and kisses. Sounds like he and Liam have the same love for food and music! May God bless your Holiday Season. We send our love!

The O'Byrne Family

~Denise~ said...

That is awesome, WTG Owen!!

Anonymous said...

I live in korea.
I am glad of looking for your blog.
I have two son.
one normal,he is 5 old years.the other achondroplasia,he is 3month.

I was sad and upset a long time(after diagnosed.)
I realized for being careful parents reading your blog.

I will ofen visit here.
I want catch more information for my son.
thank you.and peace of mind.

from wool's mom