Ha! How flippin' adorable right?!
Like the rest of the week, Owen's 2nd Easter was pretty uneventful (with the exeption of the fabulous meal , thanks mom!). Despite knowing that he has no clue what is going on, we indulged ourselves in the spirit by giving Owen an Easter basket.

Actually it was less of a basket and more of a ... giant rubber duck! The duck (really a bathtub) was a huge hit as evidenced by the pictures. The rest of my Easter surprises? Not so much. Turns out the pretzel goldfish crackers are a little to advanced and would probably choke him. That was a dud. The little Bubble Bot which is supposed to delight and entertain with a stream of magical bubbles that shoot through his helmet? Yeah - no bubbles. Looks like a blast on the package, in reality - we don't really know

because it DIDN'T WORK! To top it all off, all Dan wanted to get for Owen was a chocolate bunny. Do you think I got him one? If you said "NO!" you would be right! Aaaahhhh! Am I a total failure? Luckily I was able to redeem myself by putting Owen in just about the cutest little outfit ever! The little white vest, the tie, the sneakers....Come to think of it - Grandma Wright bought him that outfit, not me. I seriously give up!

Other than my utter failures as the matriarchal holiday mood setter (say that 3 times fast!), our family has been great! Owen is thriving at his new daycare. He has been in such a great mood. The biggest new development is the kissing. Owen now gives big sloppy kisses! It's a little more like he's coming at you like a dementor (Harry Potter reference alert!), trying to suck your lips off, but I'll take it!! I'm still working on "mama" but for now kisses are a pretty good substitue!
OH MY GOD! Can Owen get any cuter. I seriously cannot decide which picture I like better-the bunny ears or the last picture of him all dressed up! He is beyond adorable!
Second, your post was so funny I am laughing out loud over here. You have such a way with words!
Keep the photos coming-and your mom did a great job picking out that outfit!
OMG! All I want to do is give Owen a big sloppy kiss in that last picture!! He is soo freaking cute! I can't stand it! Our Easter was pretty uneventful too. I can't wait for Cole to be old enough to search for easter eggs or do something fun! I always look forward to the latest Cat update! Thanks for the laughs tonight!
Ah, that I could take credit for the darlingness of Easter Owen but that credit must go to Dan's mom. Grandma Wright is the best. She gave birth to two identical twin boys and raised them to be the awesome men/daddy's that they are. Great job Barb! I will shamelessly take credit for partial Owen darlingness as I did give birth to his mom!
Very cute! Owen is so stinken cute! I love reading your post! You and Kim can really crack us up :) I love the outfit! Isn't it fun dressing them in those outfits that they wear once :) I got Will a tux when he was like 7 months for my sisters wedding..I wanted to take him to the grocery store in it just so I could say he wore it more then once :) We have plenty of chocolate bunnys if you need any :) Love the pics Cat! You guys are a good looking family!
Great post, even better pics. Even Bryan laughed at Owen in the bunny ears!
Hi there from Upstate, SC. I saw your post on the McGowan's Blog about Cohen and I just wanted to sincerely thank you for sharing. We all have been praying and praising our Good Lord for the miracle that is Cohen. Then to hear your story and see that adorible little guy is simply uplifting. May he continue to bless your family.
The Jarvis family
OH MY GOSH, Little leah being the fashion queen that she is just loves the suit!!!! :-) He is just to quite, and he is currently hot news in that spunky suit!!!!
Hi~ Owen
I love to your smiling face.
I hope so.
- wool's mom ~^^~
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