Saturday, April 25, 2009

My little Easter Bunny

Whew! Ok! Got a lotta catching up to do!
Let's start with Easter

Owen and his dad
Trying out Owen's Easter present from 'Ama and Papa. A remote control car!
My mother's delicious Easter ham
My delicious Caesar Salad from a bag
Carrots and Onions with fennel

Ready for a nap after the big meal OK! Ready for the leftovers!

I know, I know...Right now you're thinking "What the hell? You haven't blogged in a month and you post pictures of your easter ham and bag o' salad? What's wrong with you?"
As we speak, I'm working on a post about regional! Stay tuned....


Melissa Swartley said...

Owen is too cute! LOL, I do bagged salad too! Thank goodness I'm not the only one! :)

Kim said...

The funniest part of the post was the pic of your bagged salad next to your mom's ham. Owen looks dapper in his Easter finery! I now must check out your other two posts!

Unknown said...

You are too funny. Salad from the are just like me bagged salad is the easiest. Owen is a cutie!