Owen getting raspberries from Dad. He has become a big daddy's boy lately! I'm thinking about bribing him back to me somehow. When can you start giving kids mass amounts of chocolate?
Finally! I good picture of Owen and I! It helps make up for the fact that he's 7 months old and I haven't taken him to the studio for professional pictures yet.
Dan and Owen managed to get their own great picture in too. Of course, Dan had to one up me by getting a great outdoor shot!
For some reason, still unbeknownst to me, Dan put Owen in the front seat of the car. Now don't start calling me Britney Spears yet! We didn't actually drive anywhere! Owen seemed to love the view from the passenger seat however!
Dan's birthday was on Saturday! Owen got him a special "Daddy and Me" cake. He even got to eat a little too. Dan loved the cake. Here's the problem I didn't anticipate. In order to eat this stupid cake I have to slice right through Owen's head! Now, it wasn't so hard cutting through Dan's side of the cake (it was theraputic in fact), but we now have this cake in the refridgerator with just Owen's head on it. I don't think it will ever get eaten!