Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Big News!

I am pregnant!   Or if you prefer….knocked  up, with child, bun in the oven, in a family way, embarazado, or in the pudding club (that’s for my British friends, Sharon, Clare and Andy).

Fittingly, I found out on Mother’s Day that I was going to be have another baby.  Dan was happy, because I couldn’t accuse him of not getting me anything. 

Let’s see – details.  How did it happen?  Well, you see, when a man and a woman love each other very much….oh, I suppose you know that part already.  Seriously, not to be gross, but after Dan and I…uh..ahem….you know….I just knew that I was pregnant. It sounds unbelievable but it’s true.  I even said to him “Honey, I think you just knocked me up!” 

According to the Baby Center’s Due Date Calculator I am due on Jan 19th, however, I know the exact date of conception so the Amazing Pregnancy Due Date Calculator says January 14th.  Either way, I’m going with about 5 or 6 weeks along right now.   I obviously am not abiding by the “wait to tell everyone until the 1st trimester rule”.   I don’t think I could hide it for 12 weeks anyway.  I am showing already!  I heard that you get bigger faster for the 2nd one but geeze!  I already had to tell people solely for vanity’s sake.  I didn’t want them to think I was getting fat!

I didn’t blog about this, but I was pregnant in November also and lost it.  I wasn’t very far along,  only about 3 or 4 weeks.  I believe what happened was I had a chemical pregnancy.  The reason I didn’t blog about it is because it happened on the day of my sister Anne’s wedding and I didn’t want to take away from her.  (I wasn’t going to tell anyone I was pregnant until after the wedding).  By the time it was appropriate, the moment to talk about it had passed and it would have been awkward to bring it up.   It was sad but we handled it. 

So suffice to say, I’ve been a little worried that the same thing would happen this time, but I think I’m out of the clear (at least for the chemical pregnancy scenario). 

As far as symptoms go, I’m actually pretty good.  I’m very tired sometimes, and my boobs feel like 10 lb bowling balls (TMI??), but other than that, nothing.  I didn’t get sick with Owen and my general symptoms were pretty mild, so I hope to get the same thing with this new little bugger.

I have absolutely no preference as to girl or boy.  As long as my docs don’t misdiagnose him/her with lethal skeletal dysplasia, I’m good.  On that note, I will be going to a new OB/GYN who comes highly recommended and I will see him on June 4th.

I of course will keep everyone updated along the way.  Here are pictures of when I was preggo with Owen.






Mommy3 said...

Oh My! CONGRATULATIONS! That is beyond fantastic news! You looked so cute preggo with Owen! I bet Owen will be a great big bro!

Tonya said...

Cat, Dan and Owen!! I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! Fantastic!!! Did you get pregnant during conference? Were you even drinking during conference? I don't remember seeing you drink. OMG! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you all! I'm so very happy for you!

Sarah said...

Cat, I'm so happy for you!! I remember you talking awhile back about trying after your sisters wedding, and I'm just so thrilled for you guys!! I'll call you soon :)

Danielle said...

Yeah Yeah Yeah! I'm so excited for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Cat, I'm so happy for you and Dan! And Owen of course!!! Congratulations!

Everything Evelyn said...

CONGRATS! So very happy for your family. I am looking forward to being a wonderful aunt to the new cutie coming our way!

Kim said...

I am so excited for you! You make a fabulous pregnant lady! I too hope this pregnancy goes nice and smooth with no a-hole doctors. Ok so this means we have to put off our get drunk fest and laugh our asses off until after January...I can forgive you.
Also I read the post on the tubes and I will post here-it will be easy, quick and you won't even have time to start flipping through a magazine when they will be calling you to tell you Owen is in recovery. Feel good momma!

The Johnson Family 5 said...

Say What!? So exciting!! Big Brother Owen will make quite the brother! Man, you are leaving me in the dust! haha I'm so very happy for you and can't wait to see all of your prego pictures!!

Here's to an easy, breezy pregnancy without ANY complications or misdiagnosis or ANY deserve it!

meg said...

Congrats!!! And a January baby! Perhaps he'll come early on Jan 7th! (ps. I like to think I 'know' what people are having, and my vibe is another boy!)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you guys! Owen will be a great big bro. :)

Tonya : )

Unknown said...

Such wonderful and exciting news! Owen is going to be a wonderful older brother. Hope things continue to go easy for you!

April R said...

congrats Wright family!! Nice work Dan! I am sorry to hear of your recent loss, too. I am happy to hear that you are coping well with that and now have this joy to heal your hearts!! I am excited to say I am to be an Aunt again in mid December. Lots of baby bumps to rejoice!

Caden and Mommy said...

Yeah! I am SO happy for you guys! I can't wait to hear cute Owen stories as he realizes he is going to be a big brother :0) Best of luck to you guys and I can't wait to follow this journey!

BRYAN'S YAYA said...

Congratulations! Any chance you and Anne will be sharing your pregnancies again? I thought that was SO COOL.

Unknown said...

Congrats Cat! What wonderful news! Here's to a happy, healthy pregnancy!

Bobbi said...

Cat! I'm so excited for you, Dan and Owen! Owen is going to be such an awesome big brother!!! Congratulations!!!!!

Jaime said...

Cat, I'm so happy for you! Owen will make a wonderful big brother. Glad to hear that you're feeling well; hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly. Can't wait to see pictures!

Emily said...

Congrats!!! That is so exciting! Owen will be such a great big brother. :)

Alex said...

Congrats! How exciting!!!! Owen is going to be such a good big brother!!!!

Jen Weisser said...

Congrats! Hope this pregnancy is happy & healthy!! I swear I popped out like the day I concieved my second! But luckaly didnt get as big as I did w/ Ethan, thank God!!

Clare Dungey said...

Cat, that's amazing! Andy rushed home to tell me today! We're so pleased for you guys and will keep you in prayer regarding your appointment in June.

Enjoy being allowed to fat and not having to feel embarrassed by it!

sharon said...

A huge congratulations...I am so excited for you. What a great mothers day gift! I hope you continue to feel really well for the entire wont want to be late but the 23rd is a pretty good date!! I am sooo happy for you all:)

Laura Wolf said...

Oh my gosh! That is wonderful news. I'll hope for an easy pregnancy. You have the same due date as I had with Nate Jan. 14th. Can't wait to hear more.

Jennifer said...

Maybe the newest Wright will be born on his/her Mama's birthday?! January 7th sounds good to me and if you're scheduling a C-section....But maybe you wouldn't want to share your birthday:)

Wool's family said...

so so Congratulations!
I wish you had pregnant with Girl.
As I convey a your message to my husband.He suggest to have a pregnancy for me.

May be he envy to Dan.

Wait! i'll go to you...^^

Anthea said...

What fantastic news! Congrats to You, Dan and Owen. Hope that you have a safe and wonderful pregnancy!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for my new little niece or nephew!! I love you so much and have the best feeling about this! You deserve and will have a great pregnancy.

And Bryan's YaYa....No chance of dual pregnancies! We're done!


Lisa said...

From one preggo mommy to another! Congrats. Yes, I must say I'm bigger this time than I was with Liz, but I still held off on pregnancy clothes till about 18 to 20 weeks. Then, there was NO DENYING it - I just popped!!

Melissa Swartley said...

Woo hoo!!!! Congratulations!!! We are very happy for you! January 14th is right between my girls b-days! Akela is the 13th and Sonya is the 16th! I have to say winter babies are awesome, cold weather = comfortable mommy to be! Sorry to hear about the chemical pregnancy! Nice pregnancy pic's! You were all belly! :)

Jim said...

Holy shit! Oh, can I swear on this thing?
Cat, and Dan too (since he helped here), this is just fantastical news. We are so thrilled for you.
I was busting a gut reading your description of, er, the magical moment. Now just imagine flash-forwarding 25 years and hearing about how your to-be-born child described to his/her future counselor the insecurity of knowing that the first public pronouncement of his/her existence involved phrases like "knocked up," or something about pudding, or buns, etc.
I guess I'm not one to talk. We've managed to procreate so much that we're in danger of messing up our own kids every day. :)
What great news for the whole family -- we can't wait to go through these 9 months with you!

Mandy said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I am sure Owen will make a great Big Brother. Tonya I was thinking the same thing! Could you imagine one couple was on their honeymoon and another couple was conceiving a baby? So exciting!

Greene Family said...

Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you guys! Owen is going to be such a fun big brother! I hope it continues to be a smooth/easy pregnancy for you! Yep - I started showing quickly with Baby #2 also! Both my hubby and brother were born on Jan. 14th too. Cute prego pictures - can't wait to see pics with Baby #2!

Leong Family's said...

Wow, Cat!! Congratulations!! I'm so very happy for you, Dan and Owen. I can't wait to hear more good new!! Hope you goes smooth and healthy with your pregnancy.