Wednesday, October 1, 2008

No one said it was easy....

A glipse into my marriage:
The Rachel Zoe Project. I wish this show annoyed me. It's more reality TV about a non-famous person who doesn't have a real job, and I'm hooked!!! Dan is about to walk out on me because of this show. Here's our conversation:

Dan: Who's she?
Me: Rachel Zoe, a celebrity stylist.
Dan: Does she make those dresses?
Me: No
Dan: Does she design those dresses?
Me: No
Dan: So she just goes to the store and buys clothes for people?
Me: Well, actually most of the time, the designers send the dresses to her.
Dan: All she does is unpack boxes full of clothes.
Me: Uuuhhh...well...she has someone to do that for her.
Dan (with a mixture of disgust and bewilderment on his face) : And she has her own show? You sit here and watch an assistant unpack boxes for an hour?
Me: Two, Dan. She has two assistants.
Dan: How can you watch this crap?
Me: You're talking to the same girl who watched a marathon of "Bachelorettes in Alaska". Bad reality TV is kinda my thing.
Dan: I'm divorcing you.
Me: No one said marriage was easy.


Alex said...

too funny! ;)

The Johnson Family 5 said...

Haha! I just got done watching last nights episode and I feel my I.Q. decreasing as I watch, but like a train wreck, I can't turn away. My husband last night asked me the same what does she do? Once i explained he was like oh ok...this is lame. haha! Like totally bananas!

Mike Mallinson said...

I've always wondered how people justify watching reality tv, and now I know - you just don't! Hahaha...

Now don't get me wrong, I watch bad movies, but that's a totally different thing. No, really, it's different.

Jennifer said...

If Dan divorces you Daddy and I are not taking you back. We'll take Owen though.

Kim said...

Ok your post was hilarious-your mother's comment was hilarious-I need to meet you people. I must say your comment about Short Pump-Cat you and I must have some common blood in us because the first time I heard that name I snickered. Totally went the same way with it.
I also will comment here about Owen-read that post too. Owen by far is themost adorable thing in pjs. He needs to be kissed. I am so happy he is doing so well!

Anonymous said...

I know! I was watching the show last night thinking it was ridiculous (bananas!), but I couldn't stop watching.

Anonymous said...

Thankfully these shows do not
conflict with football.
If they start airing on Saturday, Sunday or Monday Cat will be living in the back yard
(unless I kill myself first)
in which case she could continue to watch.
But I would haunt her.

Anonymous said...

Katie took the words right out of my is a train wreck that you can't look away from! And, to work for Rachel, must you have that annoying tone of voice? They all speak with the same boring tone. And, if she cries one more time......But, can't wait for next week's episode! And, since your mom won't take you in, we do have a spare room!

Everything Evelyn said...

Oh, Cat! Although I don't know what show you are talking about, I can totally hear those same comments coming from Andy if I was to watch the show.

Kelly said...

You have peaked my interest in this show. I love reality tv...bad addiction.

I'm glad to hear Owen is doing so wonderful!!! Go Owen, Go Owen!!!

Mike Mallinson said...

Dan, that was freakin' hysterical!

Sarah said...

okay that was freakin hilarious! I've had conversations like that and watch pointless reality shows too :) I have a weakness when it comes to tv what can I say!

Danielle said...

I think Keith feels that way about almost everything I watch. In fact, I think we watch like 2 shows together-my name is earl and the office.

Kim said...

And I missed this show?! :)

Lisa said...

Wow! I can't believe I missed it too. Who doesn't love mindless TV.