Serious boasting about my childs extrordinary skills will follow!
Owen is my first child. I've never really been overly concerned with figuring out what milestones he's supposed to hit at what age. I'm not sure if it's because of the dwarfism or if it's something I would have been relaxed about anyway. However, it has been brought to my attention that Owen may be super-duper-mega-genius!!! His Physical Therapists, Day Care provider and well...grandma(she doesn't count though because she's way biased!), have all noted that he is advanced in some skill. You be the judge.
Owen will be 2 in one week. Here's a short list of his skills(no pun intended!):
1. He can identify almost all of the letters of the alphabet and can make the sound for them. He will randomly pick out letters on grocery bags, the back of people's jackets & advertisements and make the sound.
2. Owen can identify red, blue, green and yellow.
3. He will hold up the appropriate # of fingers for 1, 2 and 5.
4. He knows hot and cold. He will blow on hot food and give a "brrrr!" in the cold Michigan weather.
5. He has about 30 signs and uses them!
6. He knows how to work my digital camera. He likes to watch the video clips and knows how to switch to the mode that only shows videos. I don't even know how to do that.
7. Owen can follow two step commands like "Put that away and give mommy a kiss."
8. He wants to and knows how to take his clothes off. I say "wants to and knows how" because he can't actually take them all off because of physical limitations!
9. Owen can fully operate a DVD player. Can load it, press play and even scroll the menu to get to the selection he wants.
10. Had extrodinary problem solving skills. He will stack toys on top of each other to climb on to a sofa. If he wants to turn something he has in his hand around, Owen puts it in his mouth to hold it and then grabs it so that it's in the position he wants. Example: He'll grabbing a drumstick by the wrong end (an actual drumstick, not the ice cream cone!) and put it in his mouth to turn it around.
11. He can identify head, toes, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, tummy.
12. He can identify simple objects in pictures: animals, cars, sun, moon, etc.
13. He can do the motions for a ton of action songs like, The Wheels on the Bus, Hot Potato, 5 Little Monkeys.
14. His diapers alway smell like a fresh summer rain.....
Errr...OK, I'm heading into a little ridiculousness and #14 is DEFINITELY NOT TRUE!. Help! Mom! Am I forgetting anything? Grandma's have a knack for identifying brilliant behavior in their grandchildren.
He can do all the stuff that a 2 year old is supposed to do. The language is a little behind. He has nowhere near 200 words. Closer to 20 if that (not counting signs)! He can't jump yet but bends and pops up. He'll get some air one of these days.
OK, had enough bragging about Owen. Too bad! One more point to make. He is spectacularly cute!!!
I'm trying to figure out which picture to send into Regis and Kelly's Beautiful Baby Contest. Help a sister out. Which is the cutest? Or maybe none of them? Have I failed to capture Owen's true adorableness? Ahhhh! Help!
In the spririt of bragging shamelessly about your children - I want to know how brilliant your kids are. Blog about it or comment on what they can do!
He's a really, really good boy in Church and can walk up to the altar and deliver his offering to the children's basket with only the barest help! He is a good boy in restaurants and never, never throws a fit. He adores his Ama and Papa (okay maybe that's not what you're going for here).
Oh, and BTW, I like either the one of him in bed (there's something about a boy in jammies) or the one holding the DVD. I LOVE the BIG, SMILEY Owen pictures!
Cat- I think you are right about Owen :) I was thinking the other day about how smart Kaela was for her age and was going to post..maybe I will :) But the whole letters thing was the most impressive for me...That's incredibly advanced for his age. Will just turned 3 and knows that and they say he's go Owen!! My fav. pic is the one of him in his pjs too (in his bed i think?) and 2nd would also be the one with the big smile and dvd in hand. LOVE them all though. I think he's truly is pretty darn smart for his age...must get that from you :)
I vote for pic #3, although they are all adorable! Way to go Owen, you smarty-pants! That is really impressive! My (AH) daughter just turned 2 on 1/22, and she truly freaks me out with her language skills. She also knows all the letters and the sounds they make, and she uses words (correctly!) like: because, thirsty, finished, excited, empty...she can carry on a conversation better than I can! Thanks for giving us permission to brag here :-)
HE sounds like such a smart kid!!! I think knowing all the alphabet at 2 is VERY impressive!!
I love the picture of him holding the dvd!!
Wow that is pretty advanced! Especially knowing the letters and sounds on top of that! I have an 18 month old boy who doesn't talk yet except for mama, dada, and ha (hot). You are making me worried. LOL. But he has recently started to point to his bum when he is stinky...its so cute and only a mom can appreciate that one! And my daughter who is going to be 4 in April rode a big girl bike, with training wheels, today at the store..she is gonna get it for her bday!!! No more tricycle!
OMG! You have a complete genius on your hands! Look out! Haha! Seriously though, all of his skills are really impressive! He may not have 200 words yet but he has 30 signs! That has to make up for it! What a smart cookie! I love all the pictures, he is cute in every single one! If I absolutely had to choose I would pick the one of him in his jammies in bed!
Good job teaching him all that mommy! You know that you get all the credit, right? Riley is 3 and doesn't even know all her letters...maybe I'm slacking a bit?? I like pic #3, but I think they are all just adorable! And if #14 is true...can you tell me what you feed him? Because Peyton's smell more like rotten eggs than summer rain... :)
My vote is for the jammies picture. So cute! It sounds like Owen is an exceptional little boy! Where did he learn all those signs?
He is brilliant and adorable too! I love the one of him in his crib with the red jammies. I like all of them, of course, but I that one melts your heart!
I am so porud of him!! Very good!! Jacob was the same way!! Knoah, not so much, he's concerned with eating, so talking for him is usually accompanied with food being spit out everywhere!
Lil smarty pants. I like all the pictures...he's adorable. If I had to pick one though it would be #4.
I CAN'T deal with Owen's cuteness. I opt for the DVD holding picture although it is a very tough choice. See if your son was ugly this would be easy we would say-Hey Cat skip the contest but because Oqen is so ridiculously adorable this becomes very hard. next time have an ugly kid. (Just kidding). Yes we so need to think of a time to get together. I'll fly to Mich. once the weather warms up. I don't know though if the kids get together if we can deal with that much cuteness.
Owen is doing awesome. Preston could not do half of that stuff at his age so yes-Owen is a genius!
What a little smarty pants you have! I love the picture in the red jammies!
First off - Owen is definitely a smartypants! Way to go! Second - the picture with the DVD is the best - love the smile!
I vote for #3 or #4, although they are all adorable.
My vote is for the 3rd one...but they are all super cute! And, yes, Owen is a genius!
They are all adorable photos, but I vote for #4 or maybe #2, ok, #4! I agree - he's a genius! I'm so impressed! Simon has those same pjs that Owen has on in the first photo.
Owen is a genius! Hopefully he will make you millions someday :0) I didn't realize Owen and Caden were so close in age! I better step up my Mommy duties ~ Caden can only do a handful of Owen's skills!
The second or Third one down for sure...those are the ones that can closest capture Owen's extreme cuteness, although I don't think a picture will ever completely be able to do that! I miss my Owen so much. I am truly sick that I didn't even get to talk to him on his birthday! His Card is on the way too by the way! Love you! ~Anne
Oh, and regarding the pics, we are with Jen -- nothing beats a beautiful boy in his jammies, we LOVE that one of Owen the most. Next come the next two close up (pics 3&4) of his big smile with his mama's dimples!
I think he also needs to be on Parents or Parenting magazine covers . . . !
We know you're a genuis, but we love to hear the particulars!! You are one Super Boy!
We love you very much. Cheers to another wonderful, discovery-filled year of your life!
Kara and Jim
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