Monday, November 12, 2007

Grandma knows best!

I know! I know! I haven't posted in almost 2 weeks! I want to formally apologize to all those who read my blog religiously, so here it goes.... Mom, I'm sorry I haven't posted! Just kidding! But really, Tonya, Renay & Candi, I know one of you would call me out pretty soon if I didn't update (perhaps even publicly...hmmm, say maybe on their own blog...sound familiar Renay?! :) ). Ok - on to the updating! Owen's teeth are in with a vengance! His bottom 2 are almost completely in and his upper left lateral inscisor has broken through. His two front teeth will be in any day now. I know this because he is drooling like a St. Bernard! And for the very big news...Owen has also officially crawled! On Friday (Nov 9th), Owen got up on his knees and flopped from side to side in order to reach and object. That's crawling right?! Well, whatever it was, it resembled crawling and I'm the one who writes in the baby book so I get to decide. The judges official ruling? Crawling! Beyond the new developmental milestones, Owen is getting spoiled like crazy. Public offender #1 - Grandma! Grandma spoiling is not a new thing when it comes to Owen. What is new however, is his awareness of the fun toys he is acquiring. His obvious enjoyment of the gifts has opened up a whole new can of worms for my mother. This is no longer arbitrary gift giving. This is spending with a purpose! The mission: To make Owen as deliriously happy as possible! Below is video of my sons enjoyment of the most recent purchase. As you will see - mission accomplished! I love you Grandma!!


Anonymous said...

When I was home this weekend, and Bryan and I were laying in bed snuggling Sunday morning, it occured to me that I am slowly creating a monster, and one that I love to pieces. I can already see Bryan saying to Brandy and Casey, "I'll just ask YaYa...she will say yes"! This was my first glimpse of how grandparenting will be a challenge for me! It will be so hard not to give him EVERYTHING that makes his face light up. Luckily, so far, it is us...his family...that makes his face light up. I hope we can always find a way to keep it as such.

Do you think all families with new babies will be as thankful as we are this Thanksgiving? God has blessed us, we have much to give Thanks for this year.

Anonymous said...

OH!!! I can't wait to meet you guys!!! Owen has grown so much, he's losing his "baby" face!! I wanna kiss those cheeks 1,000 times! Great video! He loves his little piano and grandma is in love! You can see it!

I wouldn't say anything publically, but really Cat, you do need to be more efficent with updating your blog! We sit and wait and wait and wait and wait...then there's Cat, just mosing onto the computer! WE NEED INFORMATION!!

See you soon!! *smiles*

I agree with Candi! This Thanksgiving is going to very special!

Anonymous said...

It was great to meet you this afternoon at Knoah's party ... especially since we're from the same point on the map! Owen is adorable, and it was very kewl to see him and Knoah checking each other out. Looks as though Mary and I have another blog to keep an eye on!