Owen has certainly kept us on our toes lately. Last week was he was stung by a bee (Damn you Jerry Seinfeld!). He was fine and handled it like a champ. There were no signs of an allergic reaction and the swelling had gone down by bedtime.
This weekend, after a fun filled day of playing and hot dog theiving (see below post), Owen projectile vomited his entire lunch all over the back seat of the car. My mother also happened to be in the backseat and got the brunt of it (love you ma!). Luckily, his head did not start spinning and once again Owen was a trooper. He was fine by bedtime and all I can figure is that nitrate sticks + my little boy = one big smelly mess!
Our 3rd adventure happened on Monday. Let me preface this story by saying...it has been mentioned by another mother who I will not name (OK, it was Tonya) that she may be jelous of Owen's burgeoning walking skills. Methinks that this will change your mind, unless you enjoy spending 6 hours getting your little boy's ear stiched up. Ah, yes...we've had our 1st ER worthy walking related injury. For those of you counting, this is our 3rd total ER visit in 6 months (flu, croup and now stitches) and the way Owen's little personality is developing, I doubt it will be the last. We are currently looking into crash helmuts (seriously).
Owen fell while taking steps on his own and sliced his ear on the metal part of a glider. It got quite a chunk. What really get's me about this kid is that, it didn't seem to effect him in the least! I'm not kidding you, while we were waiting in the ER he was in a better mood than he has been in weeks. It's as if his crankiness was located in the cartilage in his upper ear and his injury sliced it out. Either that or I'm going to start scheduling playdates in the Genesys Triage waiting room because it's apparently so much fun!
Again - Owen was fine! He required 3 stitches but other than that, can resume normal work/play activities. Or can he? Yesterday, he fell again while walking during physical therapy, bit his tongue and started bleeding everywhere. It was minor however and compared to the rest of the week, is hardly worth mentioning! I swear, this kid is going to be the death of us!
Cat-What I week! First let's discuss Owen's walking-how exciting! He is such a trooper. Secondly let's discuss his adorable shoes-I love Stride Rite and last night found an outlet-WOW! The outlet prices are 50-60% off!
Now on to the injuries-poor baby Owen. Preston has fallen so many times-now not because of walking but because of jumping and climbing! I think the projectile vomit must have been worse than the ear! I hope the rest of the week is nice and calm.
OH!!! That HAD to HURT!!! OH!!!
Did you like scream? Walking is so dangerous! It sould be outlawed! All children cause their parent's to go grey! I am convienced!
I hope you have a speedy recovery Owen!!!
OH! Poor Owen! Although I am sure it was harder on you then it was on him. I remember when Hannah first started walking and split her eyebrow open on the coffee table. I was such a basket case because of all the blood, but she was back to herself after the initial shock. Hopefully, the rest of Owen's week is much calmer.
OwowowowOW!! That hurts just lookin' at it! :-( It's amazing how resilient kids can be with something like that, particularly if they're used to medical treatments by that age. But still ... OW!!!
Oh no, but thats all part of the walking thing...hope it gets better soon
Poor Owen and poor mom and dad! It really does hurt looking at it. I'm glad he go over it quickly. I love reading your post, you can always make us laugh :) I love the pics. Owen is too cute for words.
Wow! Things have been really crazy for you guys! Sounds like the folks at the ER will know you by name soon. Hang in there!
Walking can be stressful!
Now that's a busy week! Poor Owen!
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