Friday, August 29, 2008


I have no excuses for not keep up with my blog other than the fact that I have been totally uninspired to write. Nothing has been that interesting. Nothing new to report. I don't even have any new cute pictures! I love the blog and what it's done for me but I'll be honest - it's a chore to keep up sometimes!
The fam and I are headed up north for Labor Day weekend however. Maybe that will give me some material. In the meantime....uhhh....ooohhhh!!! I do have one interesting observation!

If Tina Fey and Mariska Hargitay had a baby......

she would be GOP vice presidental hopeful Sarah Palin! Isn't that an amazing resemblance?


Jennifer said...

Daddy just said tonight that Sarah Palin looked like Tina Fey! Lord you are your father's daughter!

Tonya said...

So true! I can see the resemblence!

Charlene said...

The resemblance is so similar, it's frightening!

Mike Mallinson said...

Hahaha! New if only Sarah Palin was half as entertaining as either of those two...

But I got you beat - I took three weeks to write it, but I put up a two pager! LOL

BRYAN'S YAYA said...

You are so funny, Cat. But yes, it is true! Here's hoping Sarah Palin makes it to office and that she turns out to be half as brilliant as she seems to date.

YaYa to Bryan

BRYAN'S YAYA said...

You are so funny, Cat. But yes, it is true! Here's hoping Sarah Palin makes it to office and that she turns out to be half as brilliant as she seems to date.

YaYa to Bryan